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              郵箱: 394441862@qq.com



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              來源:http://lulumiao.com/   發(fā)布時間:2023-03-22


              After the construction of the construction enclosure is completed, the connection between the plates should be smooth and the straight line should be in a straight line; No gaps shall be left between the plates, which means that the on-site construction cannot be seen outside the site. Red lights or reflective cones are provided along the construction fence for night warning.
              1. One thing to note about the use of construction fences is that, if there are prerequisites, corresponding slogans or promotional information should be set up on the outside of the construction fence, especially the need to place some special information that can be beneficial to the promotion of spiritual civilization
              Only in this way can we provide a publicity and guidance role for everyone, while also accumulating positive energy. This is also a mandatory requirement when using construction fences. Only in this way can construction fences exert their effects and become a scene in the city, rather than undermining the image of the city.
              2、在打造施工圍擋的時候,還要留意好它的高度,高度也長短常重要的,由于有著十分明確 的劃定,假如是在機場、碼頭或是廣場、車站等等這樣的場地當中打造施工圍擋的話,那都需要留意加高施工圍擋的高度,少需要兩點五米以上的高度,才算是合格
              2. When creating a construction fence, it is also important to pay attention to its height, which is also very important. Due to its very clear definition, if building a construction fence in a venue such as an airport, dock, square, station, etc., it is necessary to pay attention to increasing the height of the construction fence. At least a height of 2.5 meters or more is required to be considered qualified and qualified
              During normal road construction, the height of the construction enclosure should not be lower than 1.8 meters. These are rigid rules that should be observed when setting up the construction enclosure, so that it can be used for everyone.
              3. It should be noted that the construction enclosure should be built in accordance with relevant legal standards. For example, if the construction enclosure is built around the construction site, it must be continuous
              For closed fences, if they are multi-storey buildings, it is not only necessary to erect sealed and continuous construction enclosures around them, but also to have corresponding protective measures on the construction enclosure products, so as to achieve the product's use effect and protect the construction progress on the project site.

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                        洛南县| 积石山| 永新县| 枝江市| 越西县| 平果县| 江陵县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 宜城市| 建德市| 民县| 高尔夫| 江陵县| 阿荣旗| 濮阳县| 遂宁市| 马山县| 墨玉县| 赤壁市| 盐源县| 偃师市| 塔河县| 二连浩特市| 枣庄市| 淮安市| 兴海县| 亳州市| 平远县| 尚义县| 望奎县| 韶关市| 定结县| 夏河县| 周宁县| 台前县| 万载县| 洞口县| 丹东市| 彭州市| 耿马| 明水县|